If you’re filling out your wedding budget based on some planning web site, you may find to your surprise that a lot of the real costs never get mentioned, and your revised budget may force you to make some painful cuts. The more you know about those hidden costs, the better you can prepare without being blindsided. Here are a few things to watch for:

- Printing and Postage. Save-the-date cards cost money. So do invitations and RSVP cards. So do table cards, table signs and thank-you cards. If you want to display pictures at your reception, they’ll need to be printed. Find a printer that does lots of weddings and knows all the things that require printing. That way, you’ll get an honest estimate of your printing expenses. And don’t forget that every mailing includes the cost of postage.
- Bachelor/Bachelorette Parties. Renting a party room costs money. Food and refreshments cost money. And if you plan a party that involves sending all of your attendants to an exotic locale, it costs a LOT of money.
- Gifts and Gratuities. People in polite society tip their vendors for their efforts — especially when those vendors go above and beyond to ensure a great party. Here’s a good guide to help you with your gratuities. Be sure to add those costs to your budget. Also, you’ll want to buy nice gifts for your attendants and other special people who help you with all those time-consuming wedding planning details.
- Beauty Treatments. Hair appointments cost money. Makeup appointments cost money. Facials cost money. Manicures cost money. Personal trainers cost money. Everything you do to make yourself look your best will add to your wedding budget. Get some price quotes ahead of time, and you’ll approach your wedding day with your eyes open.
- Your Wedding Night Hotel. While you’re booking a block of rooms for your out-of-town guests, don’t forget your own room; also, don’t forget the cost of your own wedding meals.
- Fittings. Schedule your gown fitting close to your wedding date (leaving enough time for alterations), so you don’t have to go in for multiple fittings. But while your fitting may be a couple weeks before your wedding, you’ll be wise to book it months in advance, to ensure that your tailor is available.
- Venue Expenses. Your wedding venue may neglect to mention little things like overtime, delivery charges, cleanup charges, the cost of opening and decanting your Champagne, local taxes, and a host of other nit-picky expenses. Be sure your venue provides you with a complete list of the services it performs in exchange for the fee it charges. Don’t assume that your package is all-expenses-paid. Make the venue put everything in writing, so there are no unpleasant surprises.
We’ve just alerted you to least $1,000 in add-ons that could have put your wedding budget in critical condition. Now that you know about them, you can prepare a more accurate budget and base your buying decisions on real numbers instead of fantasies.
© Fourth Estate Audio, 2016 – Jay Congdon is president of Fourth Estate Audio, a professional Chicago DJ and Chicago Wedding DJ company.
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